Weekly classes

The themes offered by Sharon Munro

1st Term:
Developmental movement

Developmental movement underlies most of what we do in everyday life. It’s for this reason that the Feldenkrais Method™ draws on these movements in order to resolve faulty or impeded movement patterns. In this course we’ll retrace how we acquire some of our most fundamental movement abilities.

2nd Term:
Pelvis and hips

Most people are unfamiliar with the structure and movement of the pelvis. Yet, as the largest boney mass in the body, it has a huge influence on how easy or difficult our movement is. While we might get lost in our heads at times, the centre of the body is considered to be in the pelvic area, along with the centre of gravity. The thickest muscles of the body are located here, making this area the strongest and providing power to our movement. However, these muscles must remain supple and responsive if the pelvis is to have its full range of motion in the hip-joints and through the help of the spine.

3rd Term:
Releasing tension in the head and jaw

Many of us suffer from headaches and related pain in the face, eyes, neck, and back. A connection with habitual ways of carrying the head and positioning the jaw can often be found. Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the joint that attaches the jaw to the skull are common. The jaw can feel stiff, painful, difficult to open and awkwardly aligned. Small movements of the jaw, mouth and head can help release muscle tension and restore the natural movement in these parts while informing us about their healthy functioning.

The themes offered by Kai Schaper

1st Term:
Balance and stability

Balance is essential to almost everything we do. However, it is something that is only really considered when it becomes compromised. This can be due to stiffness, injuries, falls, or changes in vision and the ensuing feeling of loss of control and trust in oneself. To address this issue in Feldenkrais™, the point of departure is the idea that balance is dynamic, not static. We are interested in improving whole-body coordination. Discover that feeling grounded and balanced might mean feeling light and at ease and able to move freely, rather than heavy, static and rigid!

2nd Term:
Using the ground to move yourself

Our ability to move efficiently is dependent on how we interact with the surface that supports us, especially the ground under our feet. Although we learn to move in interaction with gravity and the ground – lifting our head, rolling, getting up to stand, and walking – we tend to forget to use the support from the ground well over time. We depend more and more on muscular force, we brace ourselves and create stress, strain and shearing forces in our joints. These classes will familiarize you with an essential aspect of your relationship with the environment.

3rd Term:
The foot, a flexible foundation

Our feet are more complex than we tend to perceive them. They consist of 26 bones which are connected by a large number of articulations. All too often however, we enclose them in inappropriate shoes and have them walk on boring, hard pavements. Hence they themselves become hard, unflexible and numb. This makes us lose stability and balance and creates lots of tension throughout the whole body. Get to know your feet better in this course, make them softer, more flexible and more intelligent, and savour the soothing effect on your self

Dates and locations

In Toulouse

MondayWith Sharon Munro

2.30 pm/3.45 pm

Centre Culturel Bellegarde, Le Studio
17 rue Bellegarde, 31000 Toulouse (métro Jeanne d’Arc)

7 pm/8.15 pm

Espace Feldenkrais
70 boulevard Deltour, 31500 Toulouse (bus L1, L8, 23, 37, 51)

TuesdayWith Sharon Munro

10 am/11.15 am

Espace Art et Mouvement
7 bis rue Idrac, 31000 Toulouse (métro François Verdier)

TuesdayWith Kai Schaper

3 pm/4.15 pm

Espace Feldenkrais
70 boulevard Deltour, 31500 Toulouse (bus L1, L8, 23, 37, 51)

7 pm/8.15 pm

Espace Feldenkrais
70 boulevard Deltour, 31500 Toulouse (bus L1, L8, 23, 37, 51)

WednesdayWith Sharon Munro

7.30 pm/8.45 pm

Espace Feldenkrais
70 boulevard Deltour, 31500 Toulouse (bus L1, L8, 23, 37, 51)

ThursdayWith Kai Schaper

6.30 pm/7.45 pm

Espace Feldenkrais
70 boulevard Deltour, 31500 Toulouse (bus L1, L8, 23, 37, 51)

ThursdayWith Sharon Munro

7 pm/8.15 pm

Centre Culturel Bellegarde, Le Petit Studio
17 rue Bellegarde, 31000 Toulouse (métro Jeanne d’Arc)

FridayWith Kai Schaper

10 am/11.15 am

Centre Culturel Minimes, Salle 6
6 rue du Caillou Gris, 31200 Toulouse (métro Minimes)


Awareness Through Movement™
The weekly classes are spread over the school year. Choose between the yearly price and the term price or pay for single classes.

The yearly subscription is payable in three parts at a preferential rate (3 x 141 €).

Yearly subscription

Centre Culturel Bellegarde, Espace Feldenkrais, Espace Art et Mouvement, Centre Culturel Minimes

Number of classes (1h15): 32

Price: 423 €

The price of the quarterly subscription changes depending on the number of classes in the term.

Quarterly subscription

1st Term

Number of classes (1h15): 12

Price: 178 €

2nd Term

Number of classes (1h15): 12

Price: 178 €

3rd Term

Number of classes (1h15): 8

Price: 119 €

Occasionally, it is possible to replace a class that you have not been able to take part in. If places are available, you can participate in another class taught by the same teacher.
Please note that if your class does not take place due to a bank holiday you may be invited to join another group.

You have the possibility to pay for one or several classes.

Single classes

Number of classes: 1

Price: 17 €

The association aims to keep its prices as low as possible. However, increases in running charges oblige us to change our tarifs accordingly. If cost is a barrier to your participation, please contact us.

Yearly membership fee

The payment of a yearly membership fee is obligatory. It should be paid separately. The membership fee can be paid after a free trial class (weekly classes only) or after an evaluation (if you are doing individual sessions).

Price: between 10 and 15 €