Feldenkrais Method™ introductory classes

We make it our policy to offer a free class to all new participants. While you are welcome to attend one of our regular classes these Introductory classes are probably the best way to discover the method. You will experience a classic Feldenkrais™ lesson and discover what it is about the method that makes it different from all other body practices.

We aim to create a safe learning environment therefore you will always be asked to work within a comfortable range of movement. We hope you will feel reassured by how quickly your body can change given the right approach.

Date and location

Saturday 14th September 2024

11 pm/12 am – With Sharon Munro

3 pm/4 pm – With Kai Schaper

Espace Feldenkrais, 70 boulevard Deltour, 31500 Toulouse (bus L1, L8, 23, 37, 51)

Free entry

Please phone or contact us by email to reserve your place.