Welcome to the website of Movement Refinery, association 1901.
The association’s aim is to increase public awareness of the Feldenkrais Method™ and to facilitate and promote the learning of this method by providing information and organizing classes, workshops, conferences and demonstrations. Read more…

What is the Feldenkrais Method™?

The Feldenkrais Method™ is fundamentally different from other practices which frequently focus on muscle strengthening, stretching, aerobic activity, energy work or relaxation. What the Feldenkrais Method™ does is teach us about how we move and help us to develop strategies to reduce effort and increase movement quality and coordination. Read more

What do we learn from the Feldenkrais Method™?

Working with our awareness is central to the method. During the proposed movement explorations we are invited to use our attention to feel, sense and perceive different aspects of what we are doing. We are engaged in a process in which we compare habitual ways of doing things to non-habitual ways and move towards establishing a felt sense of what is ”right”. Read more

The association

Our association Movement Refinery has existed since 2007.
It was founded by a group of Feldenkrais practitioners based in Toulouse, all members of the association Feldenkrais France.

The association’s aim is to increase public awareness of the Feldenkrais Method™ and to facilitate and promote the learning of this method by providing information and organizing classes, workshops, conferences and demonstrations. Over 100 people participate in our on-going activities each year. Read more

Sign up for our Newsletter

Keep informed about current news and events organized by Movement Refinery, sign up for our Newsletter by clicking on the link below.


To validate your inscription, please print out, complete and return the form below with your payment.

You will receive confirmation of your inscription and your cheque(s) will not be cashed before the class, workshop or corresponding term begins.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about these activities.

Latest News

Summertime, good times!

We’ve organized some great workshops for you over the month of July.
Everything you need to help you relax and to learn how to move more comfortably over the summer period. Whether you want to experience a longer workshop or something short you’ll find what you are looking for here. Find out more…

We have also organized a short Sounder Sleep workshop for those of you who are interested in this approach designed to improve the quality of your sleep. Find out more…