About the association
Our association Movement Refinery has existed since 2007. It was founded by a group of Feldenkrais practitioners based in Toulouse, all members of the association Feldenkrais France.
The association’s aim is to increase public awareness of the Feldenkrais Method™ and to facilitate and promote the learning of this method by providing information and organizing classes, workshops, conferences and demonstrations. Over 150 people participate in our on-going activities each year.

In our dedication to protecting the beauty and integrity of Moshe Feldenkrais’ oeuvre we only offer classes with specialized practitioners. Each of our teachers has completed an accredited 4 year training which is obligatory for the teaching of the Feldenkrais Method™. In this way we hope to provide the best conditions in which to discover and practice the Feldenkrais Method™.
The association has successfully been running classes and workshops in various locations in Toulouse since 2007. We have also taken part in the organization of the National Feldenkrais™ Day which has been held at l’Espace Bonnefoy (2007), at la Fondation Bemberg (2011), at l’Espace des Diversités et de la Laïcité (2013), at l’Espace Vestrepain (2015) and at the Centre Culturel Bellegarde (2018). At these free events, we have used film, conferences, demonstrations, discussions and witness accounts to reveal the many benefits of the method and its wide range of application.
We are very grateful for the support we have had from the Mairie de Toulouse.
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Movement Refinery
Espace Feldenkrais, 70 bd Deltour, 31500 Toulouse
Tel.: 05 61 23 80 40 or 06 43 25 01 27
Calling from abroad: + 33 (0)5 61 23 80 40
Email: info@movement-refinery.com
Site: www.movement-refinery.com
Movement Refinery is an association 1901 – Siret : 502 885 569 00025. Credits, Legal notices and privacy policy.
With the support of: