Monthly workshops
In Toulouse with Sharon Munro
The theme offered :
Feldenkrais to relieve the back

According to the statistics backache affects approximately 80% of people at least once in their life. Whether it is chronic or acute, it can greatly impact the quality of our lives and prevent us from doing many of the things we would like to do. While we might connect our discomfort back to an original cause like an accident or injury, a period of prolonged manual work, or sitting in front of a computer, there might be another factor, such as how we move.

A lot of back pain does not respond well to strengthening or stretching exercises. This is due to the fact that we tend to do these things using compensatory patterns of movement which have become habitual and unconscious. In fact, it is often these patterns themselves that are limiting and painful. In order to improve our movement difficulties, we need a more sensitive approach, one in which we can not only become aware of how we are moving but of the other options we have.

In these workshops you will learn particular sequences of movement and use your awareness and attention to reduce the level of tension in your muscles which will give you access to clearer, more agreeable sensations.

You will move in a gentle way, develop your image of the back, become knowledgeable about its different structures and more skilled at soliciting movement in different parts of the back. By learning to coordinate the movement of the back with the movement of the front of the body you will find a path towards an easier, safer and more harmonious use of yourself.

➝ Please look at our Weekly classes, Individual sessions and Other workshops.

Location and dates
In Toulouse
One Saturday per month, 9.30 am/12.30 pm: Centre Culturel Bellegarde, Le Petit Studio, 17 rue Bellegarde, 31000 Toulouse (métro Jeanne d’Arc)
2023 – With Sharon Munro
Term 1: 14th October, 18th November, 9th December.
2024 – With Sharon Munro
Term 2: 13th January*, 3rd February*, 23rd March.
Term 3: 27th April, 25th May, 22nd June.
You can participate in one, several or all of these workshops.
* These workshops will take place at the Espace Feldenkrais.
Per workshop
Price: 35 €
Payment: cheque or bank transfer
The payment of a yearly membership fee is obligatory. It should be paid separately. The membership fee can be paid after a free trial class (weekly classes only) or after an evaluation (if you are doing individual sessions).
Yearly membership fee
You wish to participate in the activities organized by the association.
Basic member
Price: 5 €
Payment: cheque or bank transfer
You wish to participate in our activities. You have an in-depth experience of the method, would like to contribute actively to the development of the association and attend our AGM.
Active member
Price: 10 €
Payment: cheque or bank transfer
You wish to participate in our activities. You are a Feldenkrais practitioner, would like to contribute actively to the development of the association and attend our AGM.
Supporting member
Price: 10 €
Payment: cheque or bank transfer
In case of financial difficulty, please contact us.
To reserve your place please print out, complete and return the form below with a deposit of 10 €.